Our newest review article, Stressed Out: How Forces from Uterine Contractions Influence Fibroid Progression, a Narrative Review is now available. A lot of hard work from my team to put this together. The manuscript it available here: https://doi.10.1016/j.xfnr.2024.100079
New Review Article – Stress and Uterine Fibroids
Great accomplishment from my team. I am excited to share our new review article Stressed Out: How Forces from Uterine Contractions Influence Fibroid Progression in F&S Reviews. A lot of work by my team to pull this together. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xfnr.2024.10079
Altered Uterine Fibroid Signaling in Response to Cyclic Strain
Rachel’s edited paper in F&S Science is now available! Free access using the link below until Dec 1. She found that actin reorganization is influenced by GPER1/PI3K signaling in fibroid cells, but not the surrounding muscle cells. So many new questions to investigate.