
Journal Articles

12. Schutte, S.C., D. Ghosh, A. Moset Zupan, R. Warwar, and M.R. Dawson. “Differential Response to Mechanical Cues in Uterine Fibroid Versus Paired Myometrial Cells.” Rep Sci. Accepted. doi: 10.1007/s43032-023-01267-z.

11. Notorgiacomo G., J. Klug, S. Rapp, S.T. Boyce, and S. C. Schutte. “A bioreactor for studying negative pressure wound therapy on skin grafts.” Int Wound J. 2022. 19(3): 633-642.

10. Moset Zupan A., C. Nietupski, and S.C. Schutte. “Cyclic adenosine monophosphate eliminates sex differences in estradiol-induced elastin production from dermal fibroblasts.” Int J Mol Sci. 2021. 22(12): 6358.

9. Schutte, S.C., F. Kadakia, S. Davidson. “Skin-nerve co-culture systems for disease modeling and drug discovery.” Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2021. 27(2): 89-99.

8. Schutte, S.C., A. Evodokiou, and L. Satish. “Protease levels are significantly altered in pediatric burn wounds.” Burns. 2020. 46(7): 1603-1611.

7. Rapp, S. J., V. Dershem, S.C. Schutte, and M.E. Cheriker. “Varying negative pressure wound therapy acute effects on human split-thickness autografts.” J Burn Care Res. 2020. 441(1): 104-112.

6. Bedient, C.E., D. Rodriguez, N. Sidell, C. Roberts, and S.C. Schutte. “Alterations in the invasive properties of peripheral blood monocytes from patients with endometriosis.” Clin Exp Obstet Gyn. 2019. 46(1): 60-65.

5. Pennycuff, J.F., S.C. Schutte, C. Hudson, D. Karp, A. Malykhina, and G.M. Northington. “Urinary neurotrophic peptides in postmenopausal women with and without overactive bladder.” Neurourol Urodyn. 2017. 26(3): 740-744.

4. Schutte, S.C., C.O. James, N. Sidell, and R.N. Taylor. “Tissue-engineered endometrial model for the study of cell-cell interactions.” Reprod Sci. 2015. 22(3): 308-315.

3. Schutte, S.C. and R. N. Taylor. “A tissue-engineered human endometrial stroma that responds to cues for secretory differentiation, decidualization, and menstruation.” Fertil Steril. 2012. 9(4): 997-1003.

2. Schutte, S.C., Z. Chen, K.G.M. Brockbank, and R.M. Nerem. “Cyclic strain improves strength and function of a collagen based tissue engineered vascular media.” Tissue Eng A. 2010. 16(10): 3149-3157.

1. Schutte. S.C., Z. Chen, R.M. Nerem, and K.G.M. Brockbank. “Tissue engineering of a collagen-based vascular media: Demonstration of functionality.” Organogenesis. 2010. 6(4): 204-211.

Book Chapters

2. Nerem, R.M. and S.C. Schutte. The Challenge of Imitating Nature. (2014) In: Principles of Tissue Engineering, 4th Edition. Elsevier Inc., 9-22.

1. Schutte, S.C. and R.M. Nerem. Blood Vessel Tissue Engineering. (2013) In: Biomaterials Science, 3rd Edition. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press, 1237-1246.